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Advertising Rates

Looking for an opportunity to advertise affordably in North Georgia? Coffee News® can help you!

advertising-rates % Affordable % Effective % Fresh% Fun % Newspaper % local %news paper %highly visible

Ad rates have sole occupancy and are affordable as to traditional print.

Coffee News®’ advertising rates are inexpensive and exclusive to traditional print. Our newspaper can be the perfect, hands-on complement to other marketing and promotion strategies for local businesses.

Coffee News® not only fortifies our society by promoting small and medium-sized businesses but also by providing knowledge to Local non-profits. By targeting the customers in the local area, Coffee News® empowers businesses to affordably implement consistent and repetitive advertising that yields results.

Our publication is enthusiastic and entertaining, and also includes unusual news stories, jokes, trivia, amazing facts, and horoscopes. Another great spot, dedicated to listing your local events taking place is in the What’s Happening section of our paper.

You will enjoy this weekly free publication. Located in restaurants, coffee shops, hair salons, professional offices, community buildings, and other local businesses. Our goal is to be everywhere within the district to maximize enjoyment for our readers. Give exposure to our local advertisers.

However, we do not want to forget the companies willing to place us upfront and center. Therefore, we are giving them exposure also through our distribution page and occasionally on Facebook.

    • Lock Out Your Competition with Category Exclusive Advertising.
    • Promote Your  Business To Thousands Of People Every Week.
    • Boost Your Recognition In Your Community.
    • Save Thousands of Dollars In Advertising Every Year!

Radio, internet, and TV advertising poorly serve most small and medium-sized businesses. Even direct mail, which does allow companies to choose their own circulation, is very expensive. One single mailing to 10,000 homes in your location, Coffee News®can replace with 10,000 readers per week in that same location furthermore reminding others of your services every single week for an entire year!

undoubtedly, People are very shy about diverting their ad dollars from “known” publications to something that’s “unproven”. Coffee News® may appear at first glance easy to dismiss.  That would be true if it was something thought up last week. Any publication lives or dies very quickly based upon its ability to sell advertising. As a matter of fact, they must achieve advertiser satisfaction with results from their ads.

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